Michelmore and More

Michelmore and More

Written by Vicky Bowden of the Sugar City Art Deco and Modernism Society | Published May 2022 Numerous Mackay families made their commercial mark on our regional town, many trading successfully for many decades.  As Mackay grew post-first world war (and post...
Sugar meets Construction – the (old) McDonalds of Mackay

Sugar meets Construction – the (old) McDonalds of Mackay

Written by Vicky Bowden of the Sugar City Art Deco and Modernism Society | Published April 2022 Whilst the Guthrie brothers were responsible for the erection of many of Mackay’s well-loved Art Deco landmarks, another family – the McDonalds – built many other...
Ambassador Hotel – Style Risen from the Ashes

Ambassador Hotel – Style Risen from the Ashes

Written by Vicky Bowden of the Sugar City Art Deco and Modernism Society | Published September 2021 Behind Mackay’s Art Deco facade hide many stories of the people who designed, built, owned, lived and worked in these buildings over the span of close to 100 years....